From 29 € /adult

Exceptionnel : un dîner dans les vignes de la citadelle de Blaye !

A dinner in the vineyards of the citadel!
The Maison du Vin de Blaye invites you to participate in a unique summer evening at the Clos de l'Echauguette. This very small vineyard nestled in the heart of the Citadel, overlooking the city and the Estuary is exceptionally open to the public during this evening.
Come and enjoy this majestic panorama while experiencing the friendly atmosphere of a festive evening in the company of the appellation's winegrowers who will make you taste their wines!
On the program: tastings, picnic baskets, plowing demonstrations on horseback and musical entertainment.
Reservation required with the Maison du Vin or boutique.vin-blaye.com.

All dates and times

July 31 from 18:30 p.m. to 23 p.m.


Full price
29 €-
Reduced price
10 €-
Further information) :
Adult €29, €10 child 5-12 years old, free – 5 years old

Payment methods

  • Payment cards
  • French bank and postal checks
  • French "Chèques vacances"
  • Cash


Clos de l’chauguette
The Citadel
33390 BLAYE
How do I get there?

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